12:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Hours of Operation

12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm













1425 Dundas St. East, Unit 4
Mississauga ON, L4X 2W4

‘Tis the Season: Holiday Stress Gentle Reminders


We’re not living the usual December rush of winter holidays. 2020 has been a bad year and many of us are still staying apart from our loved ones and working from home. We may have fewer presents to buy this year, but for some reason the holiday stress is even worse!


Our team at Holistic Medical Clinic just wants to gently remind you that you are doing your best. The stress is part of life; the stress in the year 2020 is the default. It’s more than understandable! We have written extensively on different self-care tips and advice for wellness during this pandemic. Today, we want to give you a few more tips to manage holiday stress specifically.


Hopefully, we won’t sound like a broken record with these reminders!

Our tips for holiday stress

❄️ You are doing your best. You truly are. Whatever it is you’re doing, it’s enough.

❄️ If you feel the need to work hard before the December break, don’t. Keep your regular workload—you are coming back to this in January.

❄️ Take a hard look at your calendar and strike out all the tasks that aren’t truly urgent. Be merciless. See above—they can wait.

❄️ You deserve a break regardless of how much you get done right now. Human beings need rest and this includes you.

❄️ Allow your body rest and pauses. If you feel like playing Animal Crossing in the middle of the day, give yourself permission. Little breaks like that are truly helpful.

❄️ Don’t think about yourself as lazy. You’re not. Your body and mind need the time to be still and do nothing. It’s okay.

❄️ Go outside. Seriously, at least for a little bit. Walking is the best gentle exercise, even if it’s for 10 minutes.

❄️ Give yourself permission to be less rushed. It’s hard to do in December because the world itself seems to be rushing. But it’s good to resist.

❄️ Remember that others are also trying their best and feeling busy. You’re not alone in wanting downtime and walks and Animal Crossing!

❄️ Finally, this too shall pass. The holiday season will soon be over, so use it to decompress as much as you can and don’t stress about stressing.


Once again, remember: You really, truly, are doing your best.

Happy holidays from our families to yours!