There are lots of different types of massages that a registered massage therapist may perform. From sports massage to relaxation to Swedish to reflexology to prenatal, there is truly a massage for every type of healing and recovery process! Today, we would like to talk about a very special one that more and more patients at Holistic Medical Clinic request. It is, of course, lymphatic drainage massage.
What is a lymphatic drainage massage?
Lymphatic massage is a very gentle massage that may focus on specific areas of the body or address the patient’s overall wellness. Its main goal is to help move the lymphatic liquid through the lymph vessels located in a human body. The normal movement of the liquid is necessary for the effective clearing of toxins and waste. When this movement is interrupted, this may cause a build-up of the lymphatic liquid resulting in swelling, most often in arms and/or legs. Lymphatic drainage massage works to gently release the build-up, reduce the swelling and the discomfort that accompanies it.
Is lymphatic drainage massage deep-tissue?
It is not a deep tissue massage. In fact, it’s quite the opposite because of how gentle it is. The lymphatic system lies very close to the surface of the skin so deep tissue pressure isn’t necessary. If you do not tolerate deep-tissue massage but would still like one, lymphatic drainage may be a great option for you. Everyone deserves to experience the benefits of massage treatment!
Is lymphatic drainage a whole body massage?
It usually is! Gently massaging the lymph nodes in the centre of your body first is necessary to prepare them for increased flow of the lymphatic liquid. The extremities (arms and legs) are massaged next—recall that this is where the build-up most commonly occurs in the first place.
Do I need my doctor’s go-ahead before a lymphatic drainage massage?
It’s always a good idea to check with your doctor if you have any questions about a massage treatment. We are also happy to provide a free consultation at the clinic to resolve any doubts you may have! Our massage therapists will answer any questions before, during and after the treatment, so please do not hesitate to ask.
How do I book a lymphatic drainage massage?
Feel free to mention it when booking your appointment or simply ask your massage therapist when you arrive. Have a fantastic relaxing time!
Holistic Medical Clinic
☎️ (647) 350-6655