A boy suffering after a bike accident with a car
With the advancements of technology, it is almost impossible to imagine our lives without cars. Cars have become much safer over the years yet car accidents still happen on a daily basis and are a significant cause of injury or even death for many people.
Every driver in Ontario, by law, is required to have insurance for their vehicle. But do they know their rights and options for compensation if they are involved in a motor vehicle accident? The answer is almost always “no”.
The most common question that is asked by drivers is “Will insurance cover the damages to my vehicle?” However, those who are involved in an accident, often suffer from physical and psychological traumas. Majority of people are simply unaware that they are also eligible for many benefits to help recover from the accident such as chiropractic treatments, physiotherapy, massage therapy, psychological help and more.
Come into our clinic — we have a consultant present at all times that can help guide you through the process and alleviate you from the paperwork and dealing with your insurance company. Our clinic works closely with the best personal injury lawyers in Ontario and therefore we can ensure that you get the best legal representation. A Legal Aid team is vital to those who are inexperienced with the laws as they can help you navigate through the complex procedures such as income replacement, non-earner, and caregiver benefits.
We firmly believe that knowledge is power, and being informed about your options is important!
For more information, please read the Ontario Auto Insurance Regulations.