12:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Hours of Operation

12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm













1425 Dundas St. East, Unit 4
Mississauga ON, L4X 2W4

Motor Vehicle Accidents: Personal Injury Lawyer


This is the second post in the series of MVA articles we are writing to better assist our patients in their post-collision recovery. Read the first post here.


You have probably seen many ads for personal injury lawyers in Toronto — on buses, transit shelters, on TV and online. Because vehicle collisions are among the leading causes of hospitalization in Canada, topped only by slips and falls, the bulk of personal injury lawyers’ clients have MVA settlement needs.


Hiring a personal injury lawyer is not limited to major, life-changing injuries that warrant six-figure settlements. Even if you do not want to sue anyone, a personal injury lawyer will help with insurance claims and long-term treatment. You do not pay fees for the lawyer’s time — they work for the percentage of the final case settlement. The settlement may happen months or years after the claim is opened! You also have the freedom to close your case at any time, with no penalties or strings attached.

Here are some things to consider when evaluating the need for a personal injury lawyer:

⚖️ Every car insurance policy has health coverage and treatment benefits. To receive them, however, you need to know they exist and to apply for them.
Many benefits that are potentially available to you are frequently denied for the smallest clerical errors on long, complicated forms. A lawyer will help you navigate the process and fight for the coverage you need.


⚖️ Insurance companies ask a lot of questions about the details of each car collision. A lawyer speaking on behalf of the client will be able to offer as much relevant detail as possible to ensure the most accurate information about the claim is on hand.


⚖️ Right after a vehicle accident occurs, the parties involved may be in shock, for hours or even days. You may not feel pain, but develop complications later on. Injuries are harder to connect to the MVA case as time progresses, but a lawyer can help here as well so you can get the treatment you need.


⚖️ Every personal injury lawyer offers a free consultation. They will gladly hear the details of your claim and will help you assess your options and what kind of case you may have.


If you do not trust lawyers who stare at you from billboards, your physiotherapy clinic can definitely recommend one. Every clinic will work with whoever represents you to ensure you get the best treatment you need. Contact us.