Foot massage in spa salon, closeup
What is it?
Reflexology is a traditional, natural non-invasive therapy that applies pressure on reflex points of the body, which are associated with certain glans, muscles, and organs. The application of pressure on these reflexes grants benefits such as the relaxation of tension, improvement of circulation and supports the body’s efforts to function optimally.
Reflex points are located mainly on our feet, hands and ears, while some of the linked glans, muscles and organs are the stomach, neck, shoulder, intestines, and so on. As an example, the ball of the foot represents the lung, or the base of the little toe represents the ear.
What reflexology can address?
- Stress
- Headaches
- Hormone imbalance
- Stomach issues
- Blocked energy through moving the flow of the blood
- Weak immune system
- Insomnia
It is believed that a map of our entire body is thoroughly presented on the feet and hands.
Holistic Medical Clinic offers reflexology treatments. Through a holistic approach, we aim to improve your wellbeing. However, we strongly encourage you to consult your doctor to see if this kind of treatment is right for you.