12:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Hours of Operation

12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
12:00 pm – 8:00 pm
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm













1425 Dundas St. East, Unit 4
Mississauga ON, L4X 2W4

Staying Safe and Sane: Self-Isolation Wellness Tips

These are hard times. Everywhere and all around you, people, businesses and governments are trying to adjust and respond to an unprecedented situation the likes of which none of us have seen. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the COVID-19 pandemic threw our daily lives into chaos. Most of us are staying home these days, looking after our children 24/7, trying to get work done, being bombarded with news, facing uncertainty and anxiety.


While we are temporarily closed, in these times of crisis, our practitioners are here to share their best tips on staying well while staying at home. Here are some of them!

Stick to a routine.

It may take a couple of days (or even longer) to adjust to the new reality you’re facing. This is normal! Once you’ve consumed all the news and got all the supplies you need, work on sticking to a daily routine that addresses all your physical and emotional needs. This means eating meals at regular times, getting enough sleep, structuring your work hours and playtime, and venturing outside.

Prioritize regular workouts that you can do at home (or outdoors).

It is important to keep moving and stay active even while you are spending most of your time at home. There are countless resources available online with workout plans, videos, and ideas. Even 15 minutes of cardio or bodyweight exercises will do wonders for your mental well-being. If you can go for a walk or a run outside, even better.

Go outside!

Keeping your distance from other people, you should still go for walks if you are able. Get some fresh air in your backyard if you have one. Simply stepping outside on your balcony is better than being cooped up indoors. Walk your dog too—this goes without saying!

Maintain your sleep schedule (or work on improving it).

Good sleep hygiene is essential for good health at every age! While it’s tempting to stay late every night (what are weekends anymore?), do your best to stick to your usual bedtime and maintain one for your children. You need good sleep and so do they.

Keep yourself informed, but not too much.

The whirlwind of news available makes it easy to stay informed, but be sure to take breaks from social media and news channels every once in a while.  In particular, limiting your exposure to news is a good idea if it makes you anxious or scared. The information available on COVID changes rapidly – be on the lookout for misleading headlines meant to generate clicks and traffic.

Do something you always wanted to do.

Now is the time to finally do a craft project and dedicate yourself to a hobby you’ve always wanted to try! As long as you can do so from home, pick up a new activity, read new books, watch more movies. You are in control of your downtime, and these days, for a lot of us, feeling in control of something can be the healthiest thing of all.