WSIB (Workplace Safety and Insurance Board)
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) is the insurance system in Ontario that provides benefits and services to workers who have been injured at work or who have work-related diseases. This system is a “no-fault” situation meaning workers do not have to prove that their employer was to blame for their injury or illness in order to collect the benefits. However, there still needs to be proof that the injury or illness was work-related. Of course, nobody should be hurt on the job, but if it does happen, WSIB will provide the care and support you need to recover and safely return to work, even if you already have insurance coverage.
Community Mental Health Program
According to WSIB Reference Guide, “This program is designed for WSIB claims to require psychological services including traumatic mental stress, psychological response secondary to physical injury, first responder PTSD, and chronic mental stress.” Holistic Medical Clinic is registered in the official Community Mental Health Network Directory, among other psychologists and psychological associates. The WSIB Community Mental Health Program is a structured program that will be delivered by psychologists who are specifically registered with the WSIB Community Mental Health Network. Being registered with the directory, Holistic Medical Clinic ensures that our clinic provides quality care and psychological services through the Community Mental Health Program to those in need.

Holistic Medical Clinic is an official part of Community Mental Health Network, so if you would like to learn more about WSIB and psychological health, contact us!