11:00 am – 7:00 pm

Hours of Operation

11:00 am – 7:00 pm
11:00 am – 7:00 pm
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
10:00 am – 5:00 pm













1425 Dundas St. East, Unit 4
Mississauga ON, L4X 2W4

Tag: alternative

What is Alternative Medicine?


Holistic Medical Clinic combines alternative medicine and holistic treatments with pragmatic approaches to health and well-being.

The question that many of you might be wondering is what is alternative medicine exactly? Alternative medicine has been gaining in popularity ever since its first application. People have begun to look for ways to cure themselves of various ailments and injuries. Alternative medicine is any method that aims to attain the same healing effects as traditional, scientifically proven medicine, but which is either untested, unproved or unproven ineffective. It, therefore, takes conventional medicines and makes them more effective. Some alternative medicine techniques that are used include acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, reflexology, herbal remedies, yoga, and homeopathy. Many integrative modalities utilize several of these therapies in conjunction with one another. These alternative medical products are becoming more popular than ever and many people are choosing them instead of using pharmaceuticals.


In order to gain an understanding of alternative medicine, you might want to try some of the following therapies: massage therapy, reflexology, yoga, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal remedies and meditation. Acupuncture and homeopathic remedies are effective pain relievers that can help to reduce stress. Please take a look at some of these services we have to offer.


One example of a non-conventional therapy is meditation. Meditation has been used for thousands of years to help people deal with anxiety and other symptoms. However, in the West, most mainstream doctors and health practitioners do not encourage meditation or promote it as a complementary therapy because some people think it can be dangerous. However, the health benefits of meditation may include the reduction of stress, better mood and relaxation, better oxygen levels in the brain, and a decreased risk of disease.


Some of the modalities used in alternative medicine can actually complement standard care. For example, massage therapy can help to relieve the pain associated with arthritis and other conditions. Acupuncture is another form of alternative medicine that can help to treat anxiety and other mental health disorders without the use of prescription medications. On the other hand, homeopathic products are used to diagnose and treat common illnesses like the flu and colds by providing vitamins and minerals to the body that your body needs to combat the illness.


Click below to read about why you should see a chiropractor regularly.


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What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A Chiropractor shows the problem areas on the model of the spine to the patient and explains the cause of her pain.

A Chiropractor shows the problem areas on the model of the spine to the patient and explains the cause of her pain.

A Chiropractic adjustment is the use of a specific force in a precise direction that helps normalize spinal function. The adjustment is applied to a joint that is fixated or not moving properly.

There are many factors that go into determining which area(s) of the body would benefit from being adjusted. With palpation possibly being the most important factor, Chiropractors spend countless hours throughout school and their careers on mastering the art of using their hands to assess the body on the skin’s surface.

There are two types of palpation: static and motion. Motion is performed while the joint is moving in different planes of motion. This helps the doctor determine if a specific movement is being blocked in one direction or multiple. Static palpation is just the opposite; it is done while the patient is still. Patient tenderness is often a component of static palpation along with other markers chiropractors are trained to feel such as differences in muscle tone or ligamentous change. Assessing a spinal or extremity joint and knowing if there is or is not a restriction, and if so what structure is causing the limitation, takes years of practice. Training the hands to pick up on subtle differences can at first seem challenging, but to the trained chiropractor it’s second nature.

Almost as important as knowing where to adjust is knowing where NOT to adjust. Many self-adjusters believe that they “adjusted” themselves when they hear a “crack”, when in fact the release is happening in a hyper-mobile joint which can cause more harm than good.

Our joints are kept healthy and nourished through motion and the end goal of a chiropractic adjustment is motion. If staying in motion is important to you, make an appointment with your Doctor of Chiropractic today and get adjusted.

A body in motion stays in motion.

Thai Massage and Energy Lines

Thai massage and energy lines - a holistic approach to healing the body

Thai massage and energy lines – a holistic approach to healing the body

Energy can mean a lot of things in holistic health medicine, When it comes to the body there are various ways in which we can work on our energy lines. Acupuncture uses needles on specific points along the lines. Yoga uses a variety of methods to open energy. And Thai massage uses pressure along the Sen lines.


It is believed that there are six major energy lines on the legs, six major lines on the arms, and four major lines on the back, along with several lines on both feet and hands.


When this energy flow is blocked or restricted, it creates sickness or disease. To clear these blockages, Thai massage combines the application of pressure with manipulation, adjustment, and muscle stretching in a full-body work, which improves the patient’s overall health and well-being.


Thai massage provides immense relaxation for any individual. A deeper level of relaxation can improve an individuals’ personal perspective and emotional state. Deep relaxation is also known to promote a deeper, more restorative night’s sleep as well. Thai massage allows the person to attain a true level of relaxation. It can help reduce stress levels and improve overall circulation. Since it increases circulation in the body, it means that more oxygen is being brought to the brain. This lowers the number of migraines or headaches an individual may suffer from. An increase in circulation will also lower the chances of blood clotting in the arteries. Overall, Thai massage will rejuvenate and refresh you! It helps clear the mind and to think clearly.


Holistic Medical Clinic is one of the leading holistic health clinics in Toronto. We deliver our services to patients of all ages and from all walks of life to promote holistic health and the holistic medicine approach. To book your next massage therapy treatment, please call us at 647-350-6655 or make an appointment online today!

What Can Intermittent Fasting Do For You?

What are the health benefits of intermittent fasting?

What are the health benefits of intermittent fasting?

Science has discovered many health benefits associated with fasting, and since we can’t fast indefinitely, intermittent fasting offers many of the perks of fasting while still allowing for normal everyday function. So what is intermittent fasting and what are these perks?


Intermittent fasting can mean many things, but one popular method is the “16:8 Fast” which basically means that we would fast for 16 hours per day and only eat within an 8 hour period each day. The 16 hours of fasting includes the time we sleep. A more stringent version of this type of fast is the 20:4 version. These are examples of shorter fasts that act within a 24 hour period, however, there are also longer fasts that act within a week rather than a day (such as the 5:2 Fast in which you fast for two days out of every week).


In terms of perks, the most obvious benefit is weight loss. Weight loss for intermittent fasting works two ways. If we fast intermittently, we are consuming fewer calories, so unless we eat even more calories in the meals we do eat, this translates to fewer calories taken in and so we would lose weight. Additional to this, intermittent fasting has a significant effect on various hormones in the body. Besides lowering insulin levels, fasting increases growth hormone and the amount of norepinephrine in the body. The effect of this is an increase in our metabolic rates, which is an increase in the amount of energy our bodies use in a given unit of time. This increase in metabolic rate increases the breakdown and use of fat for energy, which translates to more weight loss. So not only does intermittent fasting reduce our intake of calories, but it also increases the number of calories we use!


This decrease in insulin has also been shown to reduce the risk of Type 2 Diabetes by decreasing our body’s resistance to insulin. It has also been discovered that intermittent fasting aids our bodies in dealing with oxidative stress, which has the effect of reducing inflammation. This is very significant since inflammation is associated with several chronic ailments. Along similar lines, fasting has also been shown to help our cells “detox,” or remove damaged proteins that tend to build up over time. This may reduce our susceptibility to cancer or Alzheimer’s Disease.


Overall, there are many benefits to fasting intermittently. Aside from weight loss and reducing the risk of many common diseases, fasting ultimately gives us power and control over our own health trajectory, which may be the biggest benefit of all!

Written by Dr. David Gabriele ND, R.Ac


Facial Acupuncture: A natural treatment to look younger!

Woman receiving facial acupuncture treatment to maintain young, healthy-looking skin

Woman receiving facial acupuncture treatment to maintain young, healthy-looking skin

Are you interested in a natural way to look younger? As we age, our facial muscles lose natural volume and this is visible through our appearance. Wrinkles start to become more apparent, which makes us seem older.


There is a special form of acupuncture called Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture (sometimes known by other names) that is designed for the purpose of toning the facial muscles and reducing fine wrinkles. Extremely small, painless needles are inserted into specific areas and retained for about 20 minutes. Some of the needles are used to tone muscles. To “tone” the muscles that form your face means to give them more volume. Toning these muscles keeps your features looking more youthful, plump and attractive.


Other needles are used to turn back the clock on our wrinkles. These tiny needles are used to stimulate collagen production in the skin cells. Collagen is the main structural protein that makes up our skin. It is what makes young, healthy skin look young and healthy. The result is diminishing fine lines and wrinkles on our faces.


The changes to our features that cosmetic facial acupuncture causes are very slight and incremental, and so it usually takes a course of treatments to have a good effect. No more harsh chemicals or risky surgeries! Try an ancient and completely natural method to keep you looking your best!

Benefits of CPAP – Improve Quality of Life by Treating Sleep Apnea

Benefits of CPAP - Improve your quality of life by treating your sleep apnea

Benefits of CPAP – Improve your quality of life by treating your sleep apnea

The CPAP, or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine, is a device that helps people with breathing problems sleep better. This device is the most effective treatment for people with obstructive sleep apnea. The CPAP machine uses mild air pressure to keep the airways open while you sleep, which prevents the obstruction that causes sleep apnea.


CPAP therapy utilizes machines specifically designed to deliver a constant flow of pressure. Some CPAP machines have other features as well, including heated humidifiers. (If you are looking for medical equipment such as CPAP machines, please contact us.)


Sleep apnea is a serious issue and can lead to other health concerns such as heart disease. By treating your sleep apnea, it is possible to reduce the risk of heart disease. Sleep apnea causes you to stop breathing properly many times throughout each night, and these breathing issues have the potential to change your blood pressure and can reduce your blood oxygen levels which directly puts a strain on your heart. Sleep apnea needs to be addressed; a holistic medicine approach paired with a CPAP machine can help.


Using a CPAP to treat your sleep apnea can enhance your life and make each day better. Some of the benefits include alertness, increase in concentration, reduction of snoring and emotional stability. Getting a good night’s rest is very important because it has an effect on how we feel for the rest of the day. Constant fatigue can wear any person down and can lead to moodiness and in some cases, depression.


As one of the leading holistic health clinics in Toronto, Holistic Medical Clinic prioritizes the quality of life of our patients — a good night’s sleep is a cornerstone of holistic health. Our specialists are fully equipped to identify and tackle any sleeping problems you might have. If you have noticed that you are moody, constantly tired and just not getting the most out of your day, a CPAP may be the solution for you.


Come in for a free consultation and we would be more than happy to get your started!

Treatment for Lower Back Pain – Chiropractic and Acupuncture

Treatment for lower back pain - Chiropractic and Acupuncture

Treatment for lower back pain – Chiropractic and Acupuncture


American College of Physicians Endorses Acupuncture, Chiropractic for Back Pain


The American College of Physicians (ACP), the largest medical specialty society in the world, has officially endorsed non-drug therapies as first-line treatments for back pain. These therapies include acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, multidisciplinary rehab, and other types of drug-free treatments. The ACP now recommends these complementary therapies as the first line of treatment for acute or subacute low back pain, and that drugs should not be used.


According to the ACP, since the development of the previous 2007 guidelines which primarily called for the use of drug interventions, new evidence has emerged which supports certain complimentary treatments for lower back pain. It is now clear that several non-pharmacologic therapies for lower back pain are associated with small to moderate effects on pain. Other modalities included by the ACP are heat therapy, mindfulness-based stress reduction, Tai Chi, Yoga, motor control exercise, low-level laser therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.


Reasons for this new outlook include the rising concern over the rising opioid crisis and the fact that recent evidence has shown that acetaminophen (Tylenol) does not improve pain outcomes versus placebo. In addition, there is also evidence that systemic steroids are generally ineffective for treating acute or subacute low back pain.


Written by David Gabriele



Benefits of Supplements: Your Heart, Your Health

Benefits of Supplements: Your Heart, Your Health

A Study: Benefits of Supplements – Your Heart, Your Health

CoQ10 & Selenium Benefits Heart Beyond any Doubt


Does taking supplements improve health in any meaningful way? An experiment conducted in 2003 has produced a string of interesting studies concerning heart health and supplementation. The original study examined the effects and benefits of four years of supplementation in older men & women with two specific nutrients: coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and selenium. The original study, which monitored 443 people with an average age of 78 from 2003 to 2007, revealed that supplementation of these nutrients lowered the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 41%.


The participants were given either a placebo or 200 mg of CoQ10 and 200 mcg of selenium daily for 48 months. The actual treatment group experienced less than half the cardiovascular mortality than the placebo group. It was also found that this group scored much better on tests of cardiac function and other markers of heart health (significantly lower levels of the cardiac biomarker N-terminal proBNP).


A series of subsequent studies examined the effect of those four years of supplementation years after the trial ended. The most recent study based on this experiment examined the participants of the original experiment 12 years later. What has been found is that even after 12 years, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease was still lower among those who received CoQ10 and selenium in the original 4-year study. Through beneficial effects on inflammation, fibrosis, cardiac function and oxidative stress, the supplements were found to have protective benefits in general as well as in subgroups of participants with diabetes, hypertension and ischemic heart disease.


“The results thus validate the results obtained in the 10-year evaluation,” the most recent study concludes, “Our results show a continual and significant reduction in cardiovascular mortality during the whole follow-up period of 12 years, which also included the eight-year period after termination of the intervention.”


Written by David Gabriele



Naturopathic Medicine: Natural treatment to promote self-healing

Naturopathic medicine, alternative medicine, natural, health, herbs, body, healing, treatment

Naturopathic Medicine: An alternative, natural treatment to promote your health and a healthier lifestyle.

Naturopathic Medicine, practiced for over 125 years in North America, is a distinct patient-centered system of medicine. It places a strong emphasis on prevention, treatment, and optimal health by using different types of therapies that support the body’s natural ability to heal and help the patient achieve sustainable health. Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) utilize naturally occurring substances and minimally invasive methods and emphasize illness prevention, natural healing and a healthy diet & lifestyle. The main modalities NDs utilize to treat their patients include Botanical Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutritional Medicine, Psychological Counselling and Physical Medicine (exercise therapy, massage, spinal manipulations).


Naturopathic Doctors focus on understanding the origins of acute and chronic disease and work to support and assist the body’s natural ability to heal, getting to the root cause of the problem. Naturopathic assessment, diagnosis, and treatment are accomplished by integrating evidence-based modern and traditional care which includes clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques. The majority of NDs work in multi-disciplinary practices with health professionals from other regulated professions including chiropractors, massage therapists, physiotherapists, and acupuncturists.


If you want to avoid using pharmaceutical drugs or surgery as the first answer for every medical problem, and if you are curious about tried & tested ways to improve your health naturally, then seeing a Naturopathic Doctor may be the answer for you.


Come see us!


It is never too late to start taking care of your health the right way — Holistic Medical Clinic can help you get started. Book your initial assessment today!